Davy’s Big News!

From Chelsea –

As I shared on a recent Instagram post, we have some big news about Davy. Contrary to the many text messages received Davy is not going to be a big sister just yet. 🙂 We hope for that day to come but are happy with our family of three for now.

For those who have been following her story we have hit a huge milestone! Since the first breath our girl took she has needed oxygen support in numerous capacities, IV’s, meds, feeding pumps, and more to live.

Friday evening we did something we have been trying to patiently await but looking forward to the day when it would come. We packed up Davy’s feeding pump and IV pole. The pump is off, dark and tucked away in her closet with the IV pole next to it.

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I can’t tell you how many times I have wished for this thing to no longer be a part of my daughter’s life. God has taught me many, many things through it. He has taught me thanksgiving. I remember when I didn’t loathe this machine being attached to my daughter everyday all day but started to be thankful we had been given it so she could receive her nutrition and live. I remember telling a friend I was thankful for Davy’s tubes (taped to her face at the time) because that was the way God had made her and to wish her not to have them was to wish for a baby that wasn’t mine and who God had made her to be.

[Side note, if you haven’t read The Hiding Place do it. God taught me so much about giving thanks in all circumstances through that book. Scott also wrote about it here.]

God has also taught me that His timing is perfect and good. I wanted to rush past all that Davy was enduring, wanting her suffering to be over and to leave it all behind us. I believe God does not delight in our suffering or give it to us without purpose. God’s very purpose for suffering and His promises are what endured me and our family but I still struggled in the waiting. I wanted immediate results. I didn’t see nor was concerned about the internal, eternal work He was doing.

He taught me to trust Him. To trust Him not only with my daughter, her turmoil and life, or with our endurance but also with my heart. I could lay it all before Him, how I was feeling, what I was thinking, my frustrations, my anger but also my sadness and desires. He taught me that He wasn’t going to leave because I got mad, thought or felt the wrong thing. He would remain. He could take my anger and forgive me because of Jesus. I could share all I wanted for Davy but also say as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3:17-18), if He didn’t I would still praise Him.

I’m sure you are asking, “So what is Davy eating now?” She is still receiving all of her nutrition through her g-button. However, we are getting to feed her real food that has been blended up and can go straight to her belly. This means big changes for Davy and for our family.

Instead of receiving formula for nutrition, which is not normal for an 18+ month old, she is receiving food that babies her age eat. This is a world of change for her body. Her nutrition is more natural, coming from real foods. We think it could bring great changes to her gut. We expect her to have more energy and sleep better than she already does! Hard to believe! Her overall health could increase as well.

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She also receives all of her meals by syringe now, taking a total of 25 minutes with only five of those minutes being actual feeding time. The remaining 20 minutes are two 10 minute “breaks” to keep us from feeding her an entire meal too fast. To clarify, that means Davy is attached to a tube and syringe for 5 minutes total per meal, about 20 minutes per day, compared to the 22 hours when she came home! This is Davy’s first time in her life to not be attached to something that needs electricity to function. That may sound silly but it feels big for us. Doctor visits, play dates, trips to see Nana or PawPaw Randy include only a small cooler with a few syringes rather than a pump, bag, IV pole, electrical cord, etc.

This is something we have been working toward since the day we brought her home. We have had countless conversations with doctors, dietitians, friends, speech therapists, nurses and more about how to get this girl to her goal. It has been a big team that has gotten her to this point. By the grace of God we are here!

As with anything for Davy or maybe life in general, things can flip on a dime, but for now we are rejoicing and enjoying the change in the quality of her life and ours. Thank you for the many who have prayed and prayed for her. We couldn’t have made it to this point without you. You have been a blessing and gift to our family.

We give all the glory to God for this sweet, new chapter for Davy and for His gracious provision for and through all of you. My heart is full tonight with thanksgiving for all He has done and given our family. We hope you can join in that with us as those who have been following Davy’s story are also a part of that story with us.



4 thoughts on “Davy’s Big News!

  1. God is so good! I am thankful to him for the wisdom He has given you as His child, as a parent, as a leader in his Church. You are so loved! Davey is so blessed!

  2. Thanks for sharing your big news, it is such an encouragement to see how far God has brought Davey, and such a reminder to not take things for granted! You guys have known a different “normal” than the rest of the world, and I can see the fruit of the spirit, JOY, in things many of us have taken for granted. Hooray for no poles and no plugs and one small cooler for trips into the outside world!

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