Giving Thanks and Sharing Joy

So Christmas season is officially upon us! Now you can listen to Christmas music, put up your tree and decorate your house without feeling like you’re cheating on Thanksgiving! Enjoy!

Chelsea and I had a great Thanksgiving holiday. One of the head nurses, who some deem as “Queen Bee”, challenged us to get away for a few days (read: forced us to get away for a few days)! A few days where the only contact we could have with the hospital was through daily phone calls. We finally agreed (read: caved in) and decided to go to the Lakeway Resort and Spa for two nights before Thanksgiving day.

The getaway was incredible. We were able to rest, spend extended time with God, and reconnect with each other. It can be easy to forget that you are human while you’re in the NICU. It was nice to get away and remember that before I am a husband, dad, friend, son, pastor, or CrossFit coach that I am a child of God. It was also nice to remember that before Chelsea and I are “mom” and “dad” to Davy, we are husband and wife to each other. That is a critical component to remember in a marriage.

We then were able to share a special Thanksgiving with my parents, my brothers and their families. I called it our Duck Dynasty Thanksgiving because all of the Frazier men are growing beards, we hung out with family, ate food too much food and shot sporting clays. In reflection, I’m giving thanks to God for a restful Thanksgiving.

However, the getaway and time with family  wasn’t the only thing I was thankful for over the break.

Sharing Joy

Sharing is defined as “to have a portion of something with others”, to “give a portion of something to another or others”, or to “use, occupy, or enjoy something jointly with another or others”. In this season of trial many of you have “shared” with Chelsea and I. You have shared and given your encouragement, support, and prayers to us, yet we have been unable to share much in return.

So I wanted to take a moment and “share joy” with you.

After we returned back from a few nights off there was a buzz in the NICU when we walked in. The nurses and medical staff were giving us peculiar looks, grins and saying statements like, “There is a surprise waiting for you in the room”. We simply thought that Davy would be dressed up in her Thanksgiving outfit and be looking totally cute. She was both of those things…but those weren’t the only thing.

When we walked into the room Davy was in a stroller. Perplexed, we looked around and the nurses said that our doctor wanted us to take Davy outside! WHAT?!? They had a mobile oxygen tank and IV pole that could be pushed while we walked around outside for about 30 minutes. We were floored, humbled, overwhelmed and excited. We hadn’t even been out of the room with Davy and we were going to get to GO OUTSIDE!

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Those 30 minutes were some of the most joyful minutes we’ve had in the last 4 months and I wanted to share them with you. I uploaded a few photos and videos for you to enjoy. I pray that they encourage you and demonstrate to you the power of prayer and the goodness of our God.

“Davy Kisses”

“NICU Walking”

“Davy Going Outside for the First Time”





7 thoughts on “Giving Thanks and Sharing Joy

    I was so blessed by this entry, so thankful for the wisdom of the “Queen Bee” nurse (God bless that woman!) and ecstatic about y’all’s get-away! What more proof do we need that sometimes God requests us to leave the situation figuratively AND literally in His capable hands, & when we return . . . VOILA!!! He overwhelms us with unexpected blessings that causes our faith & joy to soar!
    Altho we’ve not yet met, I do look forward to meeting you & I rejoice with you in God’s love, mercy, grace & faithfulness as He continues to help y’all create your powerful story that promises to touch vast numbers of folks & enlarge God’s kingdom! Yaaaaay, God!!!!

  2. RobbyeFaye – An avid reader, homemaker and grandmother. I try to be as real, honest and thought provoking as possible. My blog is primarily devoted to book reviews, but at times it has stretched and grown, as it ebbs and flows with me. However, I still read a lot and review the books I read. Loving life and Jesus Christ.
    RobbyeFaye says:

    How awesome! this brought tears to my eyes! Such a joyous gift, both the “mini” retreat and the HUGE treat when you returned.
    God’s Blessings.
    (She is an awesomely beautiful little girl!)

  3. Always enjoy your blog but this particular one filled my soul with extreme joy and thankfulness to our Awesome God for all of His blessings! So thankful you got away for abit and thankful for Davy’s progress! I love you three and pray continuously for this journey you are traveling! God has amazing plans for you three!

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