The Most Beautiful Sound

Today, I heard the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard in my entire life: the hoarse cry of my baby girl.

Chelsea and I thought yesterday, after 40 days in the NICU, that they were going to take the breathing tube out; however, our daughter continued her love for suspense and obvious flair for the dramatic to make us wait another day. We got word this morning that the time was right and Davy was ready to start breathing on her own. What that meant for our family was that we were going to hear our baby’s voice for the first time in 41 days.

The room was electric with energy and nervous excitement. Luc, one of our nurses who has been walked alongside of us since day one when he transported Davy from Seton to Dell, was there to run point to make sure everything went smoothly. Taking the breathing tube out is not the most pleasant experience in the world – as I’m sure you can imagine, but our Davy girl fought through it like a champ.

The experience was surreal and for a momentary second the world, as I sensed it, ceased to exist. What was happening in that room –  for just that instant – was the only thing happening on the face of the planet.

First, Davy let out a brief, hoarse cry right after they took out the tube. That cry was the most precious, delightful sound my ears have ever had the pleasure of hearing. One of our family friends stated it perfectly when she heard the news that Davy’s tube was out – she described it as the sound of a “broken hallelujah” and I couldn’t have conjured up a more perfect phrase.

Davy then became slightly fearful as she realized that she was breathing on her own. Fear quickly gave way to amazement and confusion as our little girl realized that it was her lungs, not a machine, that were generating breath!

The nursing team did an amazing job to quickly clean her up, put on a nasal cannula and insert the replogale tube back into her stomach; all the while helping our Davy girl remain calm in the midst of a huge transition.

It was a special moment for our family and I would love to share it with all of you.

I shared this moment for two specific reasons.

  1. To Glorify God – He is the one who is healing my daughter and He deserves ALL the glory and ALL of the praise. Yes, we have the most amazing medical team I could ever hope for, but they are simply using the intelligence and technology that God has given to us. Paul’s doxology in Romans 11:33-36 keeps filling up my mind, “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgements and how inscrutable his ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor? Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid? For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen”
  2. To Share Joy – THIS is what your prayers have led to! God has been gracious to hear the intercession of his saints. I pray this moment demonstrates the faithfulness of our God to answer prayer and fills you up with joy!

Our little one still has a long way to go, but we have a steadfast God, an incredible medical team, a supportive community and little girl with a fighting spirit. So even though there is still a ways to go, I’m grateful that God has given me the gift of hearing the beautiful sounds of my little girl filling up my ears, soul and life for the rest of my days.

Prayer Requests

  • Lower Respiratory Rate – Davy’s respiratory rate is still a little high once she came off the breathing tube and the doctors would like to see it underneath 60.
  • Comfort – This was a HUGE step for Davy today, but a step that brings new challenges. Pray that God would comfort her during this transition.
  • Feeding – A big next step would be for Davy to start feedings! Pray that we would be able to start that soon!






8 thoughts on “The Most Beautiful Sound

  1. Thank you, Jesus for this beautiful gift!

    We are so, so happy for you and elated that Davy is free!

    I remember extubation day- holding my breath until he took his. Truly the highlight of our NICU journey.

    We continue to pray for her advancements in this journey. I love how you find and choose to see the positive in each day.

    With love,
    The Naglieri’s

  2. Scott and Chelsea this is such an amazing video. Praise our good Lord and great Healer. I pray for comfort for Davy, a better respiratory rate and for feeding capabilities. Your faith is so encouraging! Love you!.

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