Davy, Community, and Suffering

Our sweet little Davy is doing well today thanks to God’s grace, your prayers, and the amazing team here at Dell.

They’re slowly weening her off oxygen support so she can start attempting to breath more on her own and she’s been relatively calm the last 24 hours. This is a slight change because she had a rough 48 hour period where she was unstable and could never get comfortable. The team here has humorously described our little girl as “lively” and believe that could be part of the issue. The nurses over at Seton, where she was born, described her as “rambunctious” and a “fighter”.

Sooooo…. I think she has received my ADD and restless spirit…nervous laughter as I think about her at 16…

With all things considered, we’re grateful for the steady days. It’s easier on the mind and heart.


(Are. You. Kidding. Me?!? THOSE EYES! THAT NOSE! It’s not even fair…she’s already got me wrapped around her CUTE little finger. Oh, and my heart is gone…it’s melted in my chest)

Community & Suffering

As we progress on this journey, Chelsea and I have been astounded and taken aback by the overflow of love from our community. There have been moments we’ve simply glanced at one another and cried due to how much we’ve experienced tangible, communal love. Friends, old and new, have sent us countless gifts, flowers, letters, and social media messages. Often, Chels and I will sit down and read them out loud to one another just to be encouraged. Your words have been the medicinal balm that has been needed for our tender souls.

Throughout the Scriptures you see the community of God rally around one another. In the beginning God made Eve so Adam wouldn’t be alone in the Garden. In Exodus we see the community of Israel rise up against Egypt behind the leadership of Moses. During the Davidic reign, the kingdoms of Israel and Judah unified and fended off any would be invaders. The book of Acts describes the first believers to be of “one heart and soul”. In 1 Corinthians Paul writes that there are “many parts, yet one body”.

The body of Christ has never been so palpable to me.

Paul goes on to say, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together”. We’ve experienced this as friends have wept alongside of us, as elders of our church have prayed over our sick little girl, and as you all have expressed your sympathy.

One of the richest moments of this path so far was when Davy, Chels and I got to FaceTime with our Missional Community (our church small group – picture below). It was a sweet moment because they have been praying for Davy, her healing, and our strength for months. It was sweet because they play a vital role in her story. It was sweet because they aren’t detached bystanders, but they are committed members of our community.  They have made us meals, cleaned our house (who does that…seriously?), been late night coffee deliverers , and a constant source of encouragement.

(Photo by our friend Katie Wilcutts)

In this life we are promised suffering because all is not as it should be and sin has ravaged God’s creation, including babies being born sick, but I’m grateful for two things:

1) A community that’s willing to suffer alongside of you.

2) The overwhelming beautiful promise Jesus gives to his people that one day all things will pass away to make way for the new. A day when He will wipe away every tear and there will be no more sickness, death or little girls with life threatening birth defects (Rev. 21).

Prayer Requests

  • The strength of Davy’s lungs – One of the big things the doctors would like to see is Davy breathing on her own and not needing as much help from the ventilator. Pray that Davy’s lungs would continue to strengthen so she can wean off the ventilator.
  • Other NICU babies – As you’re praying for our precious Davy would you mind praying for the 26+ other babies in here as well? This experience is tough and we can’t imagine doing this alone.
  • Rest – Life at the hospital is taxing. Being at the hospital most of the day, waking up every 3 hours in the night for Chels to pump, and the emotional aspect of caring for a sick child can take it out of you. Pray that we would rest in the Lord and also physically rest as much as possible.

Again, we are so thankful for all of you, your kind words, and your willingness to “suffer together” with us.













17 thoughts on “Davy, Community, and Suffering

  1. oh man love this girl!!! Praying God would hear all the knocking, like the persistent widow! Lord we ask and pray that Davy would be a warrior that she would be able to share her story that you have given her! Would you heal her body for your Names Sake and for your glory!!!

  2. Hi Scott,

    I have been thinking about you and your family a lot lately. Are y’all staying at Dell Children’s? I would really like to bring y’all some food or snacks or whatever you may need. I know when I first had Luke, the only way I could get enough calories for nursing/pumping was sucking down Whole Foods smoothies. I also remember that you may have a thing for Quacks cinnamon rolls. Please don’t hesitate.


  3. Cheerful Soul – Austin, TX – Sue Allen lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband of thirty years and their four children, the youngest adopted from Haiti. She desires to show other women that with God, ordinary women can be extraordinary. Her husband is a pediatric emergency room and infectious disease physician and directs a medical clinic in rural Haiti. In humble obedience, the Allens have tried to live a surrendered life to God. They faithfully serve their church in various capacities, including short-term missions, youth ministry, and adult ministry. Sue is an author, Bible teacher, and speaker at women's conferences. The Allens' decision to adopt from Haiti was inspired by a heartfelt conviction that they have been blessed to be a blessing to others. They have a huge heart for missions and continuously seek God for open doors to serve.
    sue a allen says:

    Reblogged this on sue a allen and commented:
    This is a post from our youth pastor as their newborn daughter, Davy, fights to find breath. Will you please keep her in your prayers.

  4. So glad for your updates. God has definitely placed you all on my heart and I’m praying with you and alongside all of those who love you. May He strengthen you and multiply your rest.

  5. Scott, what a blessing you have in Davy….she has hardly made a sound much less a word and yet God has used her to touch so many lives…What God can do with child like faith… The Porters are praying for ya’ll…. Godspeed, Claire and Dudley

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