Introductions and Intercessions

First off, an introduction.

World, I present to you my precious little girl, Davy Elizabeth Frazier. Look at those eyes! So glad she got her looks from her mama! (All my friends just let out a collective AMEN!). She busted the doors down to join us earth side at 10:31 am August 3rd, 2014.

Davy Elizabeth

If you can manage to not be entranced by those beautiful eyes on my baby girl for two seconds and travel a quarter inch to the left, you’ll realize there’s a breathing tube that’s saving her life.

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Little Davy has a condition called Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia or CDH for short. CDH is a birth defect where the diaphragm fails to form completely; therefore, allowing the abdominal organs into the chest cavity, which inhibits lung growth. When the lungs aren’t fully developed there are a slew of issues that follow. To learn more about CDH click here.


As of right now Davy’s fighting for her life alongside the amazing medical team at Dell Children’s Hospital. She’s been holding steadfast since we got here on Sunday evening and they are describing her as “critically stable”. The surgical doctor, Dr. Horwitz, let us know that surgery can happen when Davy is in a more stable condition. Translation: Surgery could be in two days, two weeks or two months. We’re not really certain.

Chelsea and I are tired and sad, yet hopeful. There is a hand written letter that is hanging up in the hallway that describes the emotions of having a child in the NICU. It states:

“For years I had been telling parents, having a baby in the NICU is a roller coaster ride. Although accurate, the analogy pales beside the reality. The range of emotions is beyond imagining. There is the moment of joy when she opens her eyes peacefully, followed by panic at the slightest hint of trouble”.

I’m glad someone attempted describing the experience of NICU because my words are vapor. They never fully materialize and are gone before they hit the page. This is a roller coaster. There are moments we celebrate Davy’s progress and get to see those big, captivating eyes gazing up at Chelsea and I lovingly only to be devastated seconds later when those same eyes are inhabited by fear and discomfort. The most heart piercing aspect is feeling helpless and not being able to wrap our daughter up in our arms, where temporal safety and comfort reside, and whisper that everything will be ok.

Prayer Requests

  • Healing – Pray that the Great Physician would heal our little girl. Specifically, pray that her lungs would continue to develop and that the veins in her lungs would relax so that her blood can be circulated through them.
  • WisdomAsk that God grant wisdom to the nurses and doctors taking care of Davy.
  • Comfort – 2 Corinthians 1:3 calls God, the God of all comfort. We’re asking that he would tangibly make his comfort felt for Davy, Chelsea, myself and the rest of our family.

I wish I could say that I’ve been a steadfast rock who has been continually strong in the Lord. It’s simply not true. However, I take great hope in these steadfast, immovable truths.

In our weakness God’s power is made perfect and his grace is sufficient for us (2 Cor. 12:9).

I may not be the rock, but I’m standing upon the Rock (Matt. 7:24).

We do not grieve as those without hope (1 Thess. 4:13)

I know the God who made Davy’s lungs and has the power to heal them (Psalm 139:13-16).

Thank you all for your prayers, encouragement and continual support. Chelsea and I have been blessed by the tangible love of the body of Christ during this time. We’ll try to keep you as updated as possible. We love you all.










17 thoughts on “Introductions and Intercessions

  1. Praying that you would tangibly feel the presence of the Lord beside you, that you would know He is near to you and feel his ever constant comfort. As you cry that He would hold you and as you rejoice that he would cheer with you!

    She is so beautiful, and I know that God has good and perfect plans for her life!!! These moments will pale in comparison to the greatness that will exude from her life!

  2. Davy is blessed already with believing and loving parents. Praying for miraculous healing for her and comfort and rest for you all. May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:7)

  3. You are both on my mind daily and thank you so much for posting this. I did not want to add to what I am sure is a mountain of messages, texts, emails and calls. Healing…..wisdom……comfort….DONe! Need anything at all just let me know!

  4. I am totally praying for your little one. I couldt imagine what you are going through but soon enough we will be scheduling our firt playdate. Love going your way and let me know if we can be of assitance.

  5. I am a friend of Sarah Decker Knight and I am praying for your sweet little Davy and for you and your wife. Asking our Lord to bring steady progress and strength so that Davy might have the surgery she needs and that she would then recover quickly and completely. Also asking God to be your shield and defender against fear or discouragement and that He would grant you that peace that passes understanding.

  6. I dont know you or your family, but I know that note on the wall – above the hand washing sink – all too well. My litte B was in the NICU at Dell for 2 months. Its a roller coaster that never seems to end. The NICU staff is amazing and will soon become like family to you! Stay strong, and pray, and keep believing for your baby! Good Luck and God Bless

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